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A wide range of Applications, Frameworks and Languages are supported by Lagoon

Lagoon broadly classifies three levels in the application stack:

  • Languages - The core building blocks of any Lagoon project, these are usually provided by Lagoon-specific images.
  • Frameworks - These take those base images, and add in the necessary logic, tools and packages needed to serve a website, or drive an application.
  • Applications - Usually built on top of Frameworks, this is the layer that content editors or developers will interact with to shape the finished product.

When we reference any repositories for use on Lagoon, we usually refer to them in three ways:

  • Templates - These are fully-functional, cloneable starter repositories, maintained and updated regularly, ready to be extended and used with little customization.
  • Examples - These are fully functional repositories, maintained and updated regularly, but may require some effort to make work for your individual project.
  • Demos - These are repositories that have been built as a demonstration, and are usable for some of the concepts within, but aren’t routinely maintained or updated.
Find the examples, documentation and more here:
Type Language Maturity Status GitHub Docs
Drupal Application PHP Multiple templates Maintained
WordPress Application PHP Starter template Maintained
Laravel Application PHP Example Project Maintained
Matomo Application PHP Example project Maintained
Moodle Application PHP Demo Demo only
Silverstripe Application PHP Example Maintained
Ruby on Rails Framework Ruby Example project Maintained
PHP Language PHP Base Images Maintained
Node.js Language Node.js Example project Maintained
Python Language Python Base Images Maintained
Ruby Language Ruby Base Images Maintained

Your Application/Framework/Language not in the list?

Don’t worry! We are constantly adding new Application/Framework/Languages support to Lagoon. Follow our Blog or Twitter to get updates.

And if you want to help us add support for your Application/Framework/Language:


Have you Lagoonized your Application or Framework? Interested in helping adding support for a new Application or Framework? Got a problem with an existing Application or Framework?

Please let us know! You can find us in our Discord, we’re happy to help with any questions, testing or anything else.